Planning is an integral part of any development. The regulatory framework under which development operates may seem prohibitively restrictive. It is our goal to facilitate common sense development that enhances the overall well-being of our community. Therefore, we work to foster the compatibility of our client’s goals with the regulatory process by interpreting environmental findings, zoning code requirements, and agency mandates. We take pride in making the planning process more approachable for our clients thereby helping them reach their goals and dreams in the most efficient manner possible.

Preliminary Planning Consultation
This is a great opportunity for you to tell us your ideas so that we can help you understand the opportunities and legal processes necessary for realizing your vision. Over the course of an hour you can tell us about your project and we can start to equip you with the necessary tools for understanding the feasibility of planning your project. This includes an overview of the necessary planning permits, the zoning districts and development standards associated with your project, and other requirements necessary for getting your project approved.

Coastal Development Permits
We are fortunate to live in an area with pristine coastal viewsheds and an abundance of natural resources. Maintaining this protection requires that many projects in the coastal zone apply for a coastal development permit. We can help you determine if a CDP is required and help identify the necessary documents for getting your CDP approved.
The CDP process can take 3-5 years, and we can act as your agent with the governmental entities by compiling, completing, and submitting all of the required documents. Alternatively, we can act as consultants, with you compiling and submitting necessary documents and we offer advice and insight as needed.

Use Permits
According to the zoning code, there are principally permitted uses and conditionally permitted uses. For example, if you live in a rural residential district, an example of a principally permitted use is a single family residence whereas an example of a conditional use is a day care facility. If you are interested in implementing a conditional use for your property, it is required that you apply for a Use Permit. We can help with the submittal materials, filing, preparation and representation before the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Coastal Permit administrator and/or Coastal Commission.

Boundary Line Adjustments
Whether it is to make parcel lines more intuitive or to synchronize your development goals with jurisdictional development standards, boundary line adjustment applications can be time consuming and arduous. Like the Coastal Development Permit application process, we are able to help you gather the necessary documents and facilitate submittal to the governing bodies.

In some instances, the vision for your property may be better realized by dividing your parcel into smaller parcels. Subdivisions must conform with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. This process may take years and we can assist in the organization of information and documents to help meet legal requirements. This includes drafting maps, integrating biological determinations into proposals, navigating the various governing bodies, preparation for hearings, and interpreting staff reports.

General Plan Amendments
Land use decisions in California must adhere to the goals and policies outlined in General Plans. While it is required that General Plans be updated periodically, it is sometimes necessary to apply for General Plan amendments so that land use designations may evolve with the best interest of the community. We can help you understand the legal process affiliated with these amendments and see if your objective is compatible with its requirements.

While the General Plan helps outline the goals and objectives of a community, the zoning ordinance provides the necessary tools to meet these objectives. Every parcel is designated according to a specific land use, and with that land use are detailed descriptions of what is permissible in terms of density, structures, resource utilization, etc. However, sometimes these designations become incompatible with the currents needs of a community. At this time an option is to apply for a rezone to help foster better use of an area.

Based upon special circumstances, zoning code standards may restrict the use or privilege you have in your property. This determination may be applicable when these zoning code standards do not restrict the privilege enjoyed by others in your property’s vicinity or who are governed under the same zoning code designation.
Often a variance is submitted concurrently with other permits to facilitate the overall project. We can help you understand the feasibility of this tool for your project and assist you in the permit process. This includes preparing the necessary paperwork, conducting due diligence, and submittal. Like our other services, we may work on your behalf as agents, or act as consultants.

Post-Approval Satisfaction of Conditions
Making sure that post-approval conditions are satisfied is imperative for the implementation and longevity of a project. We are well versed in understanding how previous conditions may affect a current project and the best way to ensure continuity among different stages in development. We can help you understand your conditions, the way in which they are applicable, and the best way to manage their implementation so that your overall vision is not encumbered by inactivity.
Schedule a Meeting!
Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology is available to help with your project needs, both in and out of the coastal zone. Whether you need an agent to oversee your project as a whole, or simply need a consultant to provide insight and guidance throughout the process, we can tailor our services to best meet your needs.
We are located in Fort Bragg, CA and are available to discuss your development project no matter where you are.