California’s north coast botanical diversity can be challenging but our team of biologists specialize in the flora and fauna of this region and the necessary protocols required by: California Fish and Wildlife, US Fish and Wildlife, Army Corp of Engineers, California Coastal Commission (CCC), the County of Mendocino and its cities of Fort Bragg & Point Arena. Specializing in the Coastal Zone, we can help with all your biological needs.

Preliminary Biological Scoping Letter
Our preliminary biological scoping letter is designed to help those in escrow and/or property owners who want to better understand their opportunities and constraints on a given property. The preliminary biological scoping letter is a flat rate item that includes a single site visit and a confidential written letter to the owner or potential buyer discussing the property’s biological opportunities, constraints and what other future biological work might be needed.

Agency Letters
In certain cases, our biologists can write a letter to the County and/or Agency explaining that the biological conditions or County Code, for example, does not require the biology that is being asked for.
Including: CDP Exclusion Zone Determination, CDP Administrative Zone Letter and/or Report Followup

Biological Report
Our biology field work often culminates with a full biology report describing our findings and how the results relates to your proposed project. Our biological reports include best management practices for the construction crew as well as mitigation measures to protect on site resources and surrounding environment.
IIncluding: Botanical/Floristic Surveys, Wetland Delineations, Vegetation Alliance and Rare Plant Community Surveys, Wildlife Surveys, Reduced Buffer Analysis, and/or Report of Compliance

Botanical Surveys (Floristic Surveys)
At Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology, floristic surveys and plant community mapping could be considered the core of our biology department. Floristic surveys often entail three site visits by one of our biologists throughout the Spring and Summer to identify all potential special status flora. While conducting these floristic surveys, our biologists are also analyzing and mapping the plant communities found on site.

Wetland Delineations
Because wetlands are considered a biologically important resource, often times a wetland delineation needs to be completed to establish wetland areas. Our biologists are trained and certified in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers methods of delineation. With this knowledge, we are able to provide the necessary assessments needed to present this information to local and federal agencies. We use both GPS technology as well as GIS to geo reference wetlands for agencies and our clients to provide accurate results.

Wildlife Surveys
Fauna listed as a state or federally listed endangered and threatened species must be surveyed for and protected if found. Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology can assess potential habitat for these fauna as well as identifying them in the field. Some species we survey for are:
- Point Arena Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) Surveys
- Sonoma Tree Vole (Arboriumus pomo) Surveys
- Behren’s Silverspot Butterfly (Speyeria callippe callippe) Surveys
- Lotis Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides argyrognomon) Technical Assistance
- Red Legged Frog (Rana draytonii)
- Yellow Legged Frog (Rana muscosa)
- Southern Torrent Salamander (Rhyacotriton variegatus)
- Red-Bellied Newt (Taricha rivularis)
- Bird and Bat Habitat
- Other Invertebrates

Reduced Buffer Analysis
With some projects a Reduced Buffer Analysis is needed to justify that building closer to a special status resource will not impact it.

Report of Compliance
A Report of Compliance may be needed if your property is considered to be entirely special status resources. In this case, we use a Report of Compliance to determine the least environmentally impacting area, any potential alternatives to the project, the historical extent of the resource being impacted, and how those impacts to resources will be mitigated.

Construction Crew Training
Before site construction begins, Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology will prepare and provide the necessary training to the construction crew to identify flora and fauna, staging areas, and how to limit impacts to the surrounding habitat to best protect the species of concern. Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology can also provide site monitoring services to document how mitigation and restoration is working to local and governmental agencies.
Schedule a Meeting!
Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology is available to help with your project needs, both in and out of the coastal zone. We are located in Fort Bragg, CA and are available to discuss your development project no matter where you are.